Loading the DuckPGQ extension from DuckDB v0.10.1 can be done like any other unsigned extension.

Make sure to start DuckDB with the unsigned flag enabled

For CLI:

duckdb -unsigned

For Python:

import duckdb

conn = duckdb.connect(config = {"allow_unsigned_extensions": "true"})

The DuckPGQ extension can then be loaded through the following commands:

For CLI:

set custom_extension_repository = '<http://duckpgq.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com>';
force install 'duckpgq'; # ensures any existing DuckPGQ version already installed is overwritten
load 'duckpgq';

For Python:

conn.execute("set custom_extension_repository = '<http://duckpgq.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com>';")
conn.execute("force install 'duckpgq';")
conn.execute("load 'duckpgq';")

Next step

Now that the extension is successfully up and running, see SQL/PGQ for instructions on writing your first SQL/PGQ queries.